Jhon MarcellJhon MarcellJhon Marcell Changing AC Air Filters | 24 Studio Fairs 24 Studio Fairs: Changing AC Air Filters

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Changing AC Air Filters

Choose the right air filter for your air conditioner.Okay, so now that you know you need to change your air filter, it's also important to buy the right one. The HVAC guy gave me these recommendations:

Greater Filter Surface Area

~ Do buy a pleated air filter. The pleats provide more surface area for the dust, lint, pollen, dust mites, and pet hair and dander to collect.

~ Do NOT buy flat air filters that get clogged quicker because, well, they're flat. What you see is what gets clogged, and when it's clogged, it's clogged.

Airflow Resistance

~ Do buy a medium-range air filter. Air filters that are rated Good are good. My air filter package calls the ability of air to flow through the filter as airflow resistance. What you want with an air filter is minimal airflow resistance.

~ Do NOT buy the best air filters. The mesh and weave in these high-rated filters are too dense and air has trouble traveling through them, i.e., big ol' airflow resistance. This makes your air conditioner work harder. So, in this case, Best is not best.

Photo Credit: Peggy Hazelwood


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