Jhon MarcellJhon MarcellJhon Marcell Flood Insurance Coverage | 24 Studio Fairs 24 Studio Fairs: Flood Insurance Coverage

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Flood Insurance Coverage

You never know when you'll wish you had flood insurance coverage. Case in point: Recently a family member who lives in the Midwest had serious damage to his home after constant rains saturated the ground. His home was damaged when this rain soaked the ground causing the soil around his house to become water logged. His home's foundation caved in. The saturated soil swelled with water causing dirt and cement blocks to move from their usual place into his basement.

He didn't have flood insurance because he didn't think he needed it. And who would think this would be considered a flood? The circumstances were not what we think of as a flood. After all, he lives miles from a river or other water body that could overflow, and the ground didn't have standing water like you think of with a flood.

But the insurance adjuster called it a flood, and without flood insurance, his insurance company did not compensate him for the damage. Here's more information on what flood insurance is and why you might need flood insurance coverage.

Source of Rainy Weather Sign: hisks at sxc.hu


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