I Am Soldier follows Mickey Tomlinson (Tom Hughes), a military chef, who attempts the most dangerous military selection known to man: The Special Air Service (S.A.S.) selection. The S.A.S. Is the United Kingdom's most renowned Special Forces Regiment, tasked with life threatening missions in some of the most dangerous places on the planet. Mickey has more military experience than simply being a chef, something he doesn't let on to the other candidates... Mickey is smashed by this selection process - his mind, body and soul scream for mercy as he endures torturous speed-marches over the steepest mountains, running for his life during 'Escape and Evasion' and then facing the most evil interrogation possible, during the deadly phase known as: 'Tactical Questioning.' Even after everything, there is still only one way you can really prove yourself: in combat... Many try to get into the S.A.S. Only the elite make it.
Description: I Am Soldier follows Mickey Tomlinson (Tom Hughes), a military chef, who attempts the most dangerous military selection known to man: The Special Air Service (S.A.S.) selection. The S.A.S. ...
Cast (limited to 5): Duncan Casey / Lee Charles / Noel Clarke / Philip Desmeules / Joe Egan…
Cast as URL (default limited to 20): Duncan Casey / Lee Charles / Noel Clarke / Philip Desmeules / Joe Egan / Mike Fury / David Goodman / Tom Hughes / Jean-Paul Jesstiece / Joutai Karrim / Marcus Byron Keating / Marcus Langford / Jordan Long / Allistair McNab / Josh Myers
Cast and Character (limited to 10): Duncan Casey as Tommy / Lee Charles as Petrovic / Noel Clarke as Carter / Philip Desmeules as Agent Blake / Joe Egan as Marko / Mike Fury as Dave / David Goodman as Jack / Tom Hughes as Mickey / Jean-Paul Jesstiece as Smudge / Joutai Karrim as Soldier…
Genres: / Action / Thriller / War
Languages: English
Location: n/A
Opening Weekend: n/A
Plot (shortened to 150 chars): I Am Soldier follows Mickey Tomlinson (Tom Hughes), a military chef, who attempts the most dangerous military selection known to man: The Special Air…
About the movie: After its victory over Leonidas' 300, the Persian Army under the command of Xerxes marches towards the major Greek city-states. The Democratic city of Athens, first on the path of Xerxes' army, bases its strength on its fleet, led by admiral Themistocles. Themistocles is forced to an unwilling alliance with the traditional rival of Athens, oligarchic Sparta whose might lies with its superior infantry troops. But Xerxes still reigns supreme in numbers over sea and land.
About the movie: Mr. Peabody is a business titan, inventor, scientist, gourmand, two-time Olympic medalist and genius...who also happens to be a dog. Using his most ingenious invention, the WABAC machine, Mr. Peabody and his adopted boy Sherman hurtle back in time to experience world-changing events first-hand and interact with some of the greatest characters of all time. But when Sherman breaks the rules of time travel, our two heroes find themselves in a race to repair history and save the future, while Mr. Peabody may face his biggest challenge yet - being a parent.
About the movie: GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL recounts the adventures of Gustave H, a legendary concierge at a famous European hotel between the wars, and Zero Moustafa, the lobby boy who becomes his most trusted friend. The story involves the theft and recovery of a priceless Renaissance painting and the battle for an enormous family fortune -- all against the back-drop of a suddenly and dramatically changing Continent.
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